

I'm Jeremy Palomo.

(if you did't catch that already)

I hand crafted every pixel you have had the pleasure to interact with and view. This means I snapped every photo, recorded every video frame, edited every pixel, and built every interaction on this website.

Born & Cultivated in Houston, TX.
Where I fell in love with the Arts at an early age.

Below is your treasure trove of fun lore surrounding Jeremy.
Although, if you only want the facts of his accrued knowledge check out the
resume page.

Starting AP Studio Arts in High School to Graphic Design at the University of Houston and beyond at The Houston Center for Photography
Houston has been at the root of it all.

Quoted for Houston's
'Houston, Meet Downtown'
Billboard Campaign in 2018

I know what you're thinking
and yes, I did have a season pass to
Astro World
you couldn't get me off this ride

the album was nice too

I have always used creativity to portray ideas and bring concepts to life.
So, in 2018 I decided to help brands all over Houston boost their brands image and impact.
thus, the birth of Palomo USA
A creative agency where we were able to colaborate with some amazing brands people to bring them event photography, staff uniforms, event swag, and so much more
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Website, Images, Video Production & Editing, Animations © Jeremy Palomo